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Yango University Hosts International Teaching Seminar Workshop
发布日期:2024-04-19   点击量:

On April 19th, 2024, the Yango International Teaching Seminar Workshop was successfully held in Room 616 of the Administration Building. The workshop aimed to promote the sharing of educational resources, innovation in teaching methods, and the improvement of the quality of education, with a focus on Higher Education in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. The event featured Mr. Florian, Joël, Alain Groussin from France, Dr. Li Jin from Canada, and Dr. Luo Fasheng from Taiwan as the guests of honor. In addition, more than ten teachers and students also participated in the teaching seminar. The goal of the workshop was to broaden the vision of education and jointly cultivate talents with international competitiveness.

During the event, Mr. Florian shared his experience and methods of applying AI in teaching. He emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary integration, believed that higher education should focus on fostering students innovative thinking. He also provided valuable suggestions on how to utilize AI in education effectively.

Additionally, the Chinese faculty discussed the wide application of AI in higher education and its positive impact on teaching methods and curriculum. While AI enables personalized teaching and enhances teaching efficiency and learning experience, an excessive reliance on AI tools can hinder students creativity.

During the open discussion session, Chinese and foreign teachers actively engaged and had in-depth discussions on their respective concerns. They agreed that higher education in the age of AI needs constant innovation and adaptation. It is necessary to take full advantage of the convenience brought by AI while also being alert to its potential risks and challenges. The students also eagerly voiced their own doubts about the use of intelligent tools in the learning process.

At the end of the event, the participating teachers and students took a group photo. This International Teaching Seminar Workshop not only enhances communication and cooperation between Chinese and foreign teachers but also provides valuable ideas and inspiration for the reform and development of higher education at Yango University in the era of artificial intelligence.

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